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How does the vehicle pick up process work before a rental?

Before a Renter picks up vehicles, you will need to upload images of them to the platform, documenting the vehicle's condition, mileage, and applicable refrigeration hours. Once the Renter has picked up the vehicle, you will need to confirm the pick up.

Please note: Vehicle pick up confirmation is required to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of your payout, and photos must be provided before and after a rental for a damage claim to be reviewed.

How to add pictures right before a rental:

  1. Go to your reservations page and click "Document Vehicle" for upcoming rentals.
  2. Take pictures of all sides of the vehicle and the interior (when applicable).

How to confirm a vehicle has been picked up:

  1. When a Renter picks up a vehicle, go to your reservations page
  2. Locate the vehicle and click "Confirm Pick Up".

These steps are important to:

  • Provide visibility over Renter pick ups so we can more accurately bill Renters to pay Owners, and do so more quickly
  • Ensure the appropriate party is deemed responsible when damage occurs

‍What happens if a vehicle is not picked up?  

 If a vehicle is not picked up, please contact us so our team may assist with the reservation.

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